How I Live A Holistic Aging Lifestyle

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I’ve been writing weekly for 4 months and talking about holistic aging practices. I even wrote a short 9-page ebook about it. How do I live my life? Are my lifestyle and daily habits built around positive holistic aging practices? In a desire for transparency and accountability, I kept a daily diary. I hope outlining my day will inspire others to make healthy positive changes and adopt holistic aging practices. They are the foundation of the endless possibilities of aging.

If you subscribed to this blog page, you received a 9-page book on the 5 best holistic aging practices. They are physical wellness, mental well-being, spirituality, love, and lifestyle. As I begin and end each day it’s an opportunity to be mindful of habits. I make a conscious effort to check myself throughout the day to determine if I’m practicing holistic aging. Here is a typical day for me:

Start with Gratitude

I realized, a few years back, how I approached my day upon waking influenced the outcome.  I open my eyes and take the first few moments to welcome the new day. I take several deep breaths and make a gratitude list of 5 things before I get out of bed.  Sometimes it’s 5 simple things, like being grateful for another day.  When you start your day with gratitude, it sets a positive mindset of appreciation. It is almost impossible to complain and be dissatisfied when you come from a place of thankfulness. 

Stretching and Weights 

I make time in the mornings to stretch. It serves a purpose in several ways. It gives me a chance to breathe and get in touch with my body.  It helps to build awareness of my physical state.  I have my own set of movements, but in the beginning, I followed YouTube yoga and stretching videos. I have a routine that lasts about 20 minutes. I add in free weights several times a week. When you connect your mind and body, it is a form of spirituality.


I don’t eat breakfast. I found myself overweight entering my 60’s and lost 40 pounds.

I looked at what I was eating, when I was eating, and how much I was eating and decided to make changes. I started with a plant-based diet 7 years ago. Then I added intermittent fasting to my plan. I generally go 15-16 hours between my last meal at night and eating the next day. I track my protein intake and eat fresh fruits and vegetables. I stay away from fast foods, processed foods, and sugar. I rarely eat out at restaurants. I only drink water, I don’t drink juices or sodas. If I’m craving a food I know isn’t healthy, I don’t deny myself the indulgence. But, I don’t stock foods in my kitchen like candy, cookies, chips, crackers etc. I try to eat wholesome-nutrient-rich foods as the basis of my daily diet. I rarely drink alcohol.


Although I eat mindfully, I’m aware that my body no longer absorbs nutrients from my diet as effectively as when I was young. There are also several herbal supplements I take to combat the physiological changes that come with aging. I take collagen (for hair and skin), hyaluronic acid with MSM (for joints and skin), a multiple vitamin, vitamin D and calcium, a vitamin B complex, an herbal immune booster, Floexin (for thinning hair), and Astaxanthin for immune support. I source and purchase whole, natural supplements and vitamins to maximize the bioavailability of each and ensure absorption.


The key to my mental and physical well-being is exercise. I walk every day a minimum of 3 miles, and a couple days a week 5 miles. That’s a sustained movement, not a cumulative step count. Movement is the cornerstone of my life. The benefits are immense. It helps to control my weight, improves my sleep, and it helps to maintain muscle mass. I also experience less discomfort in my joints because movement increases the blood flow. It also has a positive effect on my mental well-being. It makes me feel good.


I recognize the importance of social interaction as we age. I have a family and maintain a healthy connection with my children and grandchildren. I have friends I speak to regularly and I reach out often for conversations and to catch up on our lives. I also volunteer 32 hours a week. My volunteering puts me in touch with the public and interactions provide social connections. This helps my mental well-being as social isolation can be the basis for depression in aging. 


Getting enough sleep becomes harder as we age. Production of hormones like cortisol and melatonin decreases and makes for interrupted sleep cycles. Sleep plays a significant role in healing our bodies, brain function, and overall health. Keeping a routine, getting enough exercise, and when needed, a supplement, helps me mitigate aging sleep disorders. When I have problems falling and staying asleep, I take a calm supplement with magnesium. 


Holding love in my heart for family, friends, and my significant other is a holistic aging practice. It allows for positive, healthy relationships filled with joy and satisfaction. When your thoughts come from a place of love, you exhibit compassion, understanding, and empathy for others. This creates deep, meaningful relationships. It brings me immense happiness, that feeds my self-esteem and well-being. Self-love is just as important as loving others. I make sure I show myself as much love as I do other people!

End of Day

My daily routine ends with a regular bedtime and self-reflection. I take an inventory at the end of each day and review what I ate, how much I exercised, and my interactions with others. I check for spirituality, love, and social interaction. I review my dietary choices and check if I took my supplements. This process keeps me mindful of my habits. It’s an accountability piece to my day that shows my successes and where I need improvement. 

I consciously designed my life around holistic aging practices. I have adopted daily habits around mindful eating, exercising, social connections, spirituality, love, and mental well-being.

I read recently that 90% of the population over 65 years of age takes at least 1 prescription medication. I am fortunate to be in the 10%. I don’t take any prescription or regular over-the-counter medications. I consciously designed my life around holistic aging practices. I have adopted daily habits around mindful eating, exercising, social connections, spirituality, love, and mental well-being. I firmly believe living a lifestyle built around holistic aging practices is the contributing factor.  

I hope that sharing my daily routine showcases the best holistic aging practices. If you need help or suggestions on how to start incorporating practices, please feel free to contact Silver Chats. I would be happy to give advice and help develop a plan. 

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