Why Grandparenting Is The Role Of A Lifetime
When my daughter suggested that I write a blog on being a grandparent, I thought it was a great idea. Then I thought about those individuals who don’t have grandchildren. Would it be fair only to address a segment of older adults? But then I realized the “grandparent” relationship benefits are equal for children and…
How To Live Longer By Fasting
What do you know about fasting? If you are like me, I thought it meant going without food, starving and tired, and being hangry. Yes, I said hangry. When I’m hungry, I get cranky. I’ve skipped meals accidentally or fasted for premedical testing, but never for health benefits. Many of our attitudes around food and…
Why Voluntourism Is The Best Way To Travel
I made my first solo trip abroad in 2018. My destination was the Himalayan Mountain range that bordered India and China. I had prearranged accommodations through a volunteer organization called LHA. I went online, explored destinations I had dreamed of visiting, and then looked up volunteer opportunities around and near my destination. It came together…